8 Early Signs of Colon Cancer You Should Know
Colon cancer (also known as bowel cancer and colorectal cancer ) is the third most common cancer in the world and affects almost as much women as men. As its name suggests, colorectal cancer is formed in the colon or rectum of the body which is the last part of the large intestine.
Colon cancer awareness:
The disease often develop in silence, without causing any particular symptoms. The goal of colorectal cancer awareness campaigns is to increase awareness and reduce the stigma linked to the symptoms and colorectal cancer information. As a result, colon cancer cases are being diagnosed earlier at a stage when the colon cancer treatment options are more effective.
Colon cancer treatment options:
According to cancer centers of america, Colon cancer treatment options depend on the patient’s age, general health the stage, the biology and the behavior of the cancer. In general, colon cancer treatments include: Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Targeted therapy
Here are 8 Of The Most Common Early Signs of Colon Cancer in Adults :
1. Presence of blood in the stool
The presence of blood in the stool reflects the presence of intestinal mucosal pain when the cancerous lesion extends and touches a small blood vessel.
Its color is usually red because the blood does not have time to be fully digested by the digestive tract, but can still be more or less dark.
Sometimes the bleeding is so small that it is not possible to distinguish it with the naked eye. Consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.
2. Constipation
In a recent report published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, a study highlights the link between constipation and the risk of colorectal cancer. Constipation is an important indicator and may be a symptom of colon cancer.
In another study published in European Journal of Cancer in 2004, researchers confirm the hypothesis that constipation or excessive use of laxatives predisposes to colon cancer.
A tumor at the farthest end of the colon can be extremely difficult to treat and heal, resulting in constipation. If you have difficulty going to the saddle, for no specific reasons, the best is to consult a specialist.
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3. Smelly farts
4. Diarrhea
3. Smelly farts
Though not as common, a person may experience excessive smelly gas due to the presence of cancer of the colon. Cancerous polyps or tumors can form blockages that cause gas to build up in the intestine.
One early warning sign is when changes in diet or medication do not stop foul-smelling gas from occurring.
4. Diarrhea
If you have diarrhea for several weeks, it can be an early symptom of colon cancer. If a tumor obstructs the intestine, it can cause loose stools, or even persistent gas, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.
A tumor can also disrupt the lining of the digestive tract. If it persists for several days, it is a sign of dehydration that can signal a tumor, hence the importance of consulting a specialist.
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5. Weakness and fatigue
Another early side effect of colon cancer is a generalized feeling of weakness. An abnormal and recurrent weakness or feeling “empty” after performing a task is a worrying sign.
The presence of polyps or tumors in the colon can cause iron deficiency that triggers a decrease in oxygen level
Shortness of breath is another sign of internal bleeding. If you do not bleed heavily or vomit blood, your body adds plasma to your blood without making more iron or red blood cells, says Dr. Patricia Raymond, which prevents you from losing blood in large quantities but decreases your blood’s ability to carry oxygen. “That’s where you can feel out of breath.
6. Swollen abdomen /abdominal pain
If you experience lower stomach pain, or tenderness, these signs may indicate the presence or development of a malignant tumor (early stage) in the digestive tract, colon, or rectum. Stomach pain is one of the first signs in people who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
Feeling bloated and experiencing abdominal cramps can have many other causes besides cancer, but if these symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
If there is constant pain in the right side of your abdomen, it may mean that the cancer is in an advanced stage and has already spread to the liver, he adds. If stomach pain persists for more than 3 days, consult a specialist.
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7. Anemia
Anemia is an iron deficiency that is characterized by an abnormal decrease in blood hemoglobin (contained in red blood cells) that transports oxygen to all organs in the body. Side effects related to anemia, such as pale skin, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, dizziness, cold hands and feet, should not be taken lightly.
Unexplained anemia may be a sign of colon cancer. This phenomenon can occur when the tumor begins to cause bleeding in the digestive tract.
A diagnosis of anemia may be the first symptom of internal bleeding, even if you do not feel any sign of it. “If a woman has her period, anemia is less likely to be tested for other causes, such as colon cancer,” says Dr. Randall Holcombe, Oncologist at Mount Sinai Health System. , At New York. “If a man is anemic,” he continues, “you suppose he’s bleeding from somewhere.” It’s not uncommon for people to have internal bleeding for six months before it shows up in the stool, observes Dr. Patricia Raymond, Member of the American College of Gastroenterology. If you experience any symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue or dizziness, see a doctor.
8. Unexplained weight loss
If you are over 50 and you start losing weight very suddenly, without any particular reason, this is a worrying sign. This symptom may be related to the colon and / or rectum.
A recent report, published in Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, revealed that unexplained weight loss occurs most of the time in an advanced stage of colorectal cancer.
The development of a tumor can cause loss of appetite because the disease has an impact on the digestive system, which explains this loss.
If you notice significant weight loss without a change in diet, talk to a specialist.