5 True Facts about Men

5  True Facts about Men

Guys befriend other guys with similar interests.

It’s been discovered that men choose their friends based on common interests. This is different from women, who frequently select friends based on emotional compatibility and support. This is why men so commonly bond over sports – it represents a common interest that ties them together. 

Age makes men like looser clothing.

Statistics say that as men grow older, they prefer looser clothes. This is because when a man is younger, he prefers fashion over comfort. Once a man grows older, this preference switches and you can expect to see far looser clothing in his wardrobe. 

5  True Facts about Men

Men are more easily intimidated than you think. 

Many women think that they don’t get approached often because guys aren’t interested. But it’s more than likely because men are intimidated to make a move. Men are more shy or intimidated than they usually let on, and can come off as disinterest instead.

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IQ is a huge influence on a man’s lifestyle.

Studies have revealed that the level of a man’s IQ has a direct influence on how he lives his life, especially his use or abuse of alcohol and controlled substances. A man with a lower IQ is more likely to have emotional issues, and more likely to drink too much. So men with higher IQ’s are more likely to be healthier and make better decisions. 

A man will look at women for a whole year of their life.

Between the ages of 11 and 50, it is said that men will spend 11 months and 11 days looking at the female species. This means that over the span of a man’s entire life, he will have oggled women for an accumulation of one whole year. 
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